Yang, Fenggang. 2024. "Xi Jinping Is Not Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese", Christianity Today.
Yang, Fenggang. 2023. "My Top 5 Books on the Sinicization of Christianity in China", Christianity Today.
Yang, Fenggang and Brian L. McPhail. 2023. "Measuring Religiosity of East Asians: Multiple Religious Belonging, Believing, and Practicing", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Henke, Jackie and Fenggang Yang. 2022. "Mapping Religious Sites in China: A Research Note", Review of Religion and Chinese Society.
Yang, Fenggang, Joey Marshall and JEE Pettit. 2022. "Churches at the Margin: Mapping the Establishment of Protestant and Catholic Churches in China, ca. 1949–2004" in The Formation of Regional Religious Systems in Greater China, edited by Jiang Wu. Routledge.
Yang, Fenggang. 2022. "The success story of the west, perceptual art, and the challenges of the Global East", Religion, Brain & Behavior.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2021. "The Religious Market Theory and Religious Change in the United States and China: An Interview with Rodney Stark and Roger Finke", Review of Religion and Chinese Society.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2021. "Sinicization or Chinafication? Cultural Assimilation vs. Political Domestication of Christianity in China and Beyond" in The Sinicization of Chinese Religions: From Above and Below, edited by Richard Madsen. Brill.
- Pettit, JEE, Fenggang Yang and Yuqian Huang. 2021. "Developing a Database of Religions in Contemporary China." in "Digital Humanities and Research Methods in Religious Studies: An Introduction, edited by Christopher D. Cantwell and Kristian Petersen. De Gruyter.
- White, Chris and Jifeng Liu. 2020. "Going Global and Back Again: The Transformation of Chinese Christian Networks between Southeast Asia and China since the 1980s". In Cao, N., Giordan, G., & Yang, F. (eds.) Chinese Religions Going Global. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
- Tong, Yunping, Christie Sennott and Fenggang Yang. 2020. "Religious Geography and County‐Level Sex Ratios in China." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2020. Secularization Regimes and Religious Toleration: China’s Multiple Experiments. In: Karpov V., Svensson M. (eds.) Secularization, Desecularization, and Toleration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- McPhail, Brian L. and Fenggang Yang. 2020. "Religious Heterogamy and the Intergenerational Transmission of Religion in China." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
- McPhail, Brian. 2019. "Religious heterogamy and the intergenerational transmission of religion: A cross-national analysis" Religions 10 (2).
- Yang, Fenggang. 2019. “The Definition of Religion for the Social Scientific Study of Religion in China and Beyond”in Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions I: State of the Filed and Disciplinary Approaches, edited by André Laliberté and Stefania Travagnin. De Gruyter.
- Lu, Yun and Fenggang Yang. 2019. “Does State Repression Suppress the Protest Participation of Religious People?” Sociology of Religion 80 (2): 194-221.
- White, Chris. 2019. “History Lessons: Uncovering China’s Protestant Past Today" Review of Religion and Chinese Society 6 (1): 126-145.
- Liu, Jifeng and Chris White. 2019. “Old Pastor and Local Bureaucrats: Recasting Church-State Relations in Contemporary China.” Modern China 45 (5), 564-590.
- Liu, Jifeng and Chris White. 2019. “Consuming missionary legacies in contemporary China: Eric Liddell and Evolving Interpretations of Chinese Christian History.” China Information 33 (1): 46-65.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2018. “Religion in the Global East: Challenges and Opportunities for the Social Scientific Study of Religion,” Religions 9 (10): 305.
- Yang, Fenggang and J. E. E. Pettit. 2018. “The Red Market: Legal Religions” in Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, edited by Fenggang Yang. Brill Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang and J. E. E. Pettit. 2018. “The Black Market: Illegal Religions” in Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, edited by Fenggang Yang. Brill Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang and J. E. E. Pettit. 2018. “The Gray Market: Semi-Legal Religions” in Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, edited by Fenggang Yang. Brill Publishers.
- Tong, Yunping and Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Internal Diversity Among “Spiritual But Not Religious” Adolescents in the United States: A Person-Centered Examination Using Latent Class Analysis.” Review of Religious Research 60 (4): 435-452.
- Li, Miao, Yun Lu and Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Shaping the Religiosity of Chinese University Students: Science Education and Political Indoctrination.” Religions 9 (10): 309.
- Yang, Fenggang and Anning Hu. 2018. “Folk Religion in Contemporary China” in Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, edited by Tim Wright. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2018. “Evangelization amid Cooperation, Accommodation, and Resistance” in D. Philpott & T. Shah (Eds.), Under Caesar’s Sword: How Christians Respond to Persecution (Law and Christianity, pp. 334-357). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2018. “The Failure of the Campaign to Demolish Church Crosses in Zhejiang Province, 2013–2016: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 5 (1): 5-25.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2018. “The Cross of Chinese Christians and Their Resistance to Suppression.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 5 (1): 1-4.
- Yang, Xiaozhao Yousef and Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Acculturation Versus Cultural Retention: The Interactive Impact of Acculturation and Co-ethnic Ties on Substance Use Among Chinese Students in the United States.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20 (3): 546–560.
- Yang, Xiaozhao. Yousef, Anning Hu, Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Decomposing Immigrants’ Religious Mobility: Structural Shifts and Inter-religion Exchanges Among Chinese Overseas Students.” Review of Religious Research 60 (2): 183–198.
- Chao, L. Luke and Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Measuring Religiosity in a Religiously Diverse Society: The China Case.” Social Science Research 74 (August 2018): 187-195.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2018. “Religious Minorities in Communist China.” Religioni e società (Italy), Anno xxxiii · 90 (Gennaio-Aprile 2018): 28-35.
- Yang, Xiaozhao Yousef and Fenggang Yang. 2018. “Estimating Religious Populations with the Network Scale‐Up Method: A Practical Alternative to Self‐Report.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 56 (4): 703-719.
- 杨凤岗: 2018,《宗教在中国社会中的生命力为何如此旺盛?》,黎子鹏、陶飞亚 主编 《基督教与中国社会文化:第七届国际年青学者研讨会论文集》,香港中文大学崇基学院宗教与中国社会研究中心,第3-23页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2017. “Chinese Christianity at the Crossroads: A Sociohistorical Perspective” in Between Continuity and Changes: Studies on the History of Chinese Christianity since 1949, edited by Wong Man-kong, Paul W. Cheung, Chan Chi-hang, Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong.
- Xie, Ying, Yunping Tong and Fenggang Yang. 2017. “Does Ideological Education in China Suppress Trust in Religion and Foster Trust in Government?” Religions 8 (5): 94.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2017. “How Chinese are Chinese Christians Today?” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4 (1): 1-3.
- Tong, K.C. Joy and Fenggang Yang. 2017. “The Femininity of Chinese Christianity: A Study of a Chinese Charismatic Church and Its Female Leadership” in Global Chinese Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, edited by Fenggang Yang, Joy K.C. Tong and Allan H. Anderson. Brill Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang, Joy K. C. Tong, and Allan H. Anderson. 2017. “Pentecostals and Charismatics among Chinese Christians: An Introduction” in Global Chinese Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, edited by Fenggang Yang, Joy K.C. Tong and Allan H. Anderson. Brill Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2017. “From Cooperation to Resistance: Christian Responses to Intensified Suppression in China Today.” The Review of Faith & International Affairs 15 (1): 79-90.
- 杨凤岗:2017,《多元时代的宗教与世俗主义》,《读书》2017年9月第49-59页。
- Tong, Joy K.C. and Fenggang Yang. 2016. “Trust at Work: A Study on Faith and Trust of Protestant Entrepreneurs in China.” Religions 7 (12): 136.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2016. “Exceptionalism or Chinamerica: Measuring Religious Change in the Globalizing World Today.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55 (1): 7-22.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2016. “Studying Religions in Time and Space.” Asian Journal of Religion and Society 4(2):19-35.
- Pettit, Jonathan E. E. 2016. “The Many Faces of the Golden Sire: Books and Readers in the Early Yiguan Dao,” Journal of Chinese Religions 44 (1)
- Yang, Fenggang. 2016. “The Growth and Dynamism of Chinese Christianity” in Christianity and Freedom. Volume II: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Allen D. Hertzke and Timothy Samuel Shah. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2016 “Does Chinese Civilization Hinge on Ancestor Worship?” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 3 (1): 1-2.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2016. “Confucianism as Civil Religion” in Confucianism, A Habit of the Heart: Bellah, Civil Religion, and East Asia, edited by Philip J. Ivanhoe, Sungmoon Kim. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- 杨凤岗:2016,《“宗教美国、世俗欧洲”的主题与变奏》,《读书》2016年7月第159-168页
- Yang, Fenggang. 2015. “The Other Chinese Miracle: Great Awakening Shifts Growth of Global Christianity to the East.” GlobalPlus, Association of Religion Data Archives. December 1, 2015.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2015. “Spiritual Resources and Challenges in Modernizing China.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 2 (1): 1-3.
- Gao, Shining and Fenggang Yang. 2015. “Religious Faith and the Market Economy: A Survey of Faith and Trust of Catholic Entrepreneurs in China.” The Ecumenical Review Volume 67 (1): 120-140.
- Guo, Ting. 2015. “Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence and the Reconceptualisation of Human Self-knowledge.” Anthropology Today 31 (6): 3–7.
- Guo, Ting. 2015. “Spirituality’ as Re-Conceptualisation of the Self: Alan Turing and His Pioneering Ideas on Artificial Intelligence.” Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16 (3): 269-90.
- 杨凤岗:2015,《中国宗教自由的研究要点》,《领导者》第66期,2015年10月第45-54页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2014. “What about China? Religious Vitality in the Most Secular and Rapidly Modernizing Society.” Sociology of Religion 75 (4): 564-578.
- Fenggang Yang. 2014. “Agency-Driven Secularization and Chinese Experiments in Multiple Modernities: A Response to Peter Berger.” Pp. 123-140 in The Many Altars of Modernity: Toward a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralistic Age by Peter Berger. De Gruyter Mouton.
- Hu, Anning and Fenggang Yang. 2014. “Trajectories of Folk Religion in Deregulated Taiwan: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis.” Chinese Sociological Review 46 (3): 80-100.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2014. “Oligopoly Is Not Pluralism” in Religious Pluralism: Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World, edited by Giuseppe Giordan and Enzo Pace. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
- Gao, Shining and Fenggang Yang. 2014. “Religious Faith and the Market Economy: A Survey on Faith and Trust of Catholic Entrepreneurs in China” Pp. 339-361 in Money as God?: The Monetization of the Market and its Impact on Religion, Politics, Law and Ethics, edited by Jürgen von Hagen and Michael Welker. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2014. “Soul Searching in Contemporary Chinese Literature and Society” Pp. 215-220 in Mo Yan’s Fiction in Context: Nobel Laureate and Global Storyteller, edited by Angelica Duran and Yuhan Huang. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang and Anna Sun. 2014. “An Interview with Robert N. Bellah, July 8, 2013.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 1 (1): 5-12.
- Tong, Joy K.C. and Fenggang Yang. 2014. “A Study of a Chinese Charismatic Church and Its Female Leadership.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 1 (2):195-211.
- Wang, Chi-ying Alice. 2014. “Mo Yan’s The Garlic Ballads and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out in the Context of Religious and Chinese Literary Conventions.” Pp. 123-138 in Mo Yan’s Fiction in Context: Nobel Laureate and Global Storyteller, edited by Angelica Duran and Yuhan Huang. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
- Yang, Fenggang and Andrew Stuart Abel. 2014. “The Sociology of Religious Conversion” Pp. 140-163 in the Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion, edited by Lewis Rambo and Charles Farhadian. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- 杨凤岗:2014, 《市場經濟與宗教復興》,宗樹人、夏龍、魏克利 主編 《中國人的宗教生活 Chinese Religious Life (Text in Chinese)》,香港大學出版社,第223-240頁。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2013. “Research Agenda on Religious Freedom in China.” The Review of Faith and International Affairs 11 (2): 6-17.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2013. “Oligopoly Dynamics in the Triple Religious Markets in China.” in The Future of Religious Freedom: Global Challenges, edited by Allen D. Herzke, Oxford University Press.
杨凤岗:2013, 《基督教会、民主制度、公民宗教》,《国学与西学国际学刊》,第5期,2013年12月。 (IJSWS # 05,pp.3-10 YANG Fenggang, Christian Church, Democratic System and Civil Society IJSWS # 05,pp. 3-10 杨凤岗:基督教会、民主制度、公民宗教.p Adobe Acrobat Document 667.4 KB Download)
- Yang, Fenggang and Anning Hu. 2012. “Mapping Chinese Folk Religion in Mainland China and Taiwan.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51 (3): 505-521.
- Joselit, Jenna Weissman, Timothy Matovina, Roberto Suro and Fenggang Yang. 2012. “American Religion and the Old and New Immigration.” Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 22 (1): 1-30
- 杨凤岗:2012, 《当代中国的宗教复兴与宗教短缺》,《文化纵横》,2012年第一期 。
- Wang, Yuting and Fenggang Yang. 2011. “Muslim Attitudes toward Business in the Emerging Market Economy of China.” Social Compass 58 (4): 554-573.
- Tamney, Joseph B. and Fenggang Yang. 2011. “Introduction: Nationalism, Globalization, and Chinese Traditions in the Twenty-First Century,” Pp. 1-30 in Confucianism and Spiritual Traditions in Modern China and Beyond. Brill Academic Publishers.
- Graeme Lang and Fenggang Yang. 2011. “Introduction: The Rising Social Scientific Study of Religion in China,” Pp. 1-20 in Social Scientific Studies of Religion in China: Methodology, Theories, and Findings, edited by Fenggang Yang and Graeme Lang. Brill Academic Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2011. “Market Economy and the Revival of Religions,” Pp. 209-226 in Chinese Religious Life, edited by David Palmer, Glenn Shive, and Philip L. Wickeri. Oxford University Press.
- 杨凤岗:2011, 《从破题到解题:守望教会事件与中国政教关系刍议》,《时代论坛》,2011年5月。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2010. “Youth and Religion In Modern China: A Sketch Of Social And Political Developments.” Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 1:147-161.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2010. “Religious Awakening in China under Communist Rule: Political Economy Approach” Pp. 431-455 in The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion, edited by Bryan S. Turner. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2010. “Oligopoly Dynamics: Consequences of Religious Regulation.” Social Compass 57 (2): 194–205.
- Yang, Fenggang.2010. “Religion in China under Communism: A Shortage Economy Explanation.” The Journal of Church and State 52 (1): 3-33.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2010. “近 30 年美国宗教社会学的发展情况” (The Development of the Sociology of Religion in America in the Last 30 Years). 《中国农业大学学报》 Journal of China Agricultural University (Social Sciences) (Beijing), 27 (3, 2010): 186- 187.
- 杨凤岗:2010, 《美国社会中的公民道德教育》,冯俊、龚群主编《东西方公民道德研究》, 中国人民大学出版社, 第92-129页。
- 杨凤岗:2010, 《中国宗教社会科学的稳步发展和面临的挑战》,高师宁、杨凤岗主编 《从书斋到田野:宗教社会学科学高峰论坛集》上卷,中国社会科学出版社,第1-7页。
- 李向平、杨凤岗:2010,《新教伦理与社会信任的中国建构–以当代中国的“基督徒企业”为中心》,高师宁、杨凤岗主编 《从书斋到田野:宗教社会学科学高峰论坛集》下卷,中国社会科学出版社,第287-302页。
- 高师宁、杨凤岗:2010,《信仰、信任与市场经济–天主教企业家信任问题调查》,高师宁、杨凤岗主编 《从书斋到田野:宗教社会学科学高峰论坛集》下卷,中国社会科学出版社,第303-318页。
- 宫哲兵、杨凤岗:2010, 《中国道商的宗教经济学区位分析》,高师宁、杨凤岗主编 《从书斋到田野:宗教社会学科学高峰论坛集》下卷,中国社会科学出版社,第319-333页。
- 汪昱廷、杨凤岗:2010, 《信主还是信人?–初探城市穆斯林商人的信任问题》,高师宁、杨凤岗主编 《从书斋到田野:宗教社会学科学高峰论坛集》下卷,中国社会科学出版社,第334-350页。
- 杨凤岗:2010,《近30年美国宗教社会学的发展情况》,《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》第27卷第1期第186-187页。
- 宫哲兵、杨凤岗:2010,《中国道商的宗教经济学分析》,《中国企业家》 2010年第2期。
- 吴效群、杨凤岗:2009,《政府、市场、民间组织关系视野下的公祭》,《河南社会科学》2009年第2期第14-16页。
- 杨凤岗:2008,《南方某市基督徒伦理调查》,《宗教社会科学》2008年第一辑第223-250页。
- 杨凤岗:2008,《中国宗教的三色市场》,杨江华译,《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》25卷第4期第93-112页。
- 杨凤岗:2008,《对于儒教之为教的社会学思考》,《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》第36卷第2期,第2-11页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2007. “Oligopoly Dynamics: Official Religions in China.” Pp. 635-653 in The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, edited by James A. Beckford and N. J. Demerath III. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2007. “Cultural Dynamics in China: Today and in 2020.” Asia Policy 4 (July): 41-52. The Voice of America Radio had a report featured this article in August 2007 (in Chinese).
- 杨凤岗:2007,《中国的市场经济转型中的基督徒伦理》,姚西伊主编,《前路求索:福音信仰与当代中国社会现实》,中国神学研究院出版,第107-139页。
- 杨凤岗:2007,《在中国从事宗教社会学田野调查——方法论的总结和元方法论的反思》,高师宁、杨凤岗 主编,《宗教社会学研究》,香港道风书社出版,第73-92页。
- 杨凤岗:2007,《宗教社会学中的“哥白尼式革命”》,李捷理主编,《社会学——西方人文社科前沿述评》,中国人民出版社,第123-133页。
- 杨凤岗:2007,《少林寺“世俗化”了吗?》,《河南社会科学》2007年第3期第17-20页。
- 杨凤岗:2007,《中國精神領域裡的躁動》, 《中信–传双月刊》 2007年第3/4期, 美国中信出版社。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2006. “The Red, Black, and Gray Markets of Religion in China.” Sociological Quarterly 47: 93-122. (It won the 2006 Distinguished Article Award of the American Sociological Association’s Section of the Sociology of Religion.)
- Yang, Fenggang. 2006. “Miraculous Response: Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China.” Contemporary Sociology 35 (5): 498-500.
- Yang, Fenggang and Joseph Tamney. 2006. “Exploring Mass Conversion to Christianity Among the Chinese: An Introduction.” Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review 67 (2):125-129.
- Wang, Yuting and Fenggang Yang. 2006. “More Than Evangelical and Ethnic: The Ecological Factor in Chinese Conversion to Christianity in the United States.” Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review 67 (2):179-192.
- 杨凤岗: 2006,《中国宗教的三色市场》,《中国人民大学学报》2006年第6期第41-47页。
- 杨凤岗:2006,《北美華人教會与多元文化》, 《今日華人教會》 2006年第254期第16-18页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2005. “Lost in the Market, Saved at McDonald’s: Conversion to Christianity in Urban China.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 44 (4): 423-441.
- Yang, Fenggang and Dedong Wei. 2005. “The Bailin Buddhist Temple: Thriving Under Communism.” Pp. 63-87 in State, Market, and Religions in Chinese Societies, edited by Fenggang Yang and Joseph Tamney. Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, MA: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Huang, Jianbo and Fenggang Yang. 2005. “The Cross Faces the Loudspeakers: A Village Church Perseveres Under State Power.” Pp. 41-62 in State, Market, and Religions in Chinese Societies, edited by Fenggang Yang and Joseph Tamney. Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, MA: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2004. “Between Secularist Ideology and Desecularizing Reality: The Birth and Growth of Religious Research in Communist China.” The Sociology of Religion, A Quarterly Review 65(2):101-119 & State, Market, and Religions in Chinese Societies. Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, MA: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2005. “Civil Society and the Role of Christianity in China: A Preliminary Reflection” Pp. 197-212 in Civil Society as Democratic Practice: Solidarity and Subsidiarity, edited by Antonio F. Perez, Semou Pathé Gueye and Fenggang Yang. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2004. “Post-Modernity or Late-Modernity, Challenges and Opportunities.” Chinese Around the World (Hong Kong) June 2004: 10-16.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2004. “Gender and Generation in a Chinese Christian Church.” Pp. 205-222 in Asian American Religions: The Making and Remaking of Borders and Boundaries, edited by Tony Carnes and Fenggang Yang. New York University Press.
- 杨凤岗:2004,《一个哲学家的点金术——记乔治 · 麦克林教授》,原载《文化传承与中国的未来》,干春松、邹诗鹏、胡叶平编,江西人民出版社。《信德报》第263期转载。
- 杨凤岗:2004,《三味基督》,《上海大学学报》第11卷第2期第111-112页。
- 黄剑波,杨凤岗:2004,《调查报告:北方某沿海城市基督徒的家庭伦理和工作伦理》,《基督教文化学刊》第11辑第326-354页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2003. “The Decline and Reconstruction of Morality in Chinese Society.” Pp. 197-215 in Imagination in Religion and Social Life, edited by George F. McLean and John K. White. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2003. “The Integration of Chinese Culture and Christianity: A Social and Cultural Understanding.” Pp. 257-267 in Culture, Evangelization and Dialogue, edited by Antonio Gallo, Robert Magliola, and George F. McLean. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
- 杨凤岗:2003,《着眼现实:作为中国宗教的基督教》,《基督教文化学刊》第9辑第299-301页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2002. “Chinese Christian Transnationalism: Diverse Networks of a Houston Church” Pp. 129-148 in Religions Across Borders: Transnational Religious Networks, edited by Helen Rose Ebaugh and Janet S. Chafetz. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2002. “Religious Diversity among the Chinese in America” Pp. 71-98 in Religions in Asian America: Building Faith Communities, edited by Pyong Gap Min and Jung Ha Kim. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
- 杨凤岗:2002,《基督宗教研究与社会科学的革命——论科学的宗教学是如何成为可能的》,罗秉祥、姜丕盛主编,《大学与基督宗教研究》,香港浸会大学中华基督宗教研究中心出版,第241-253页。
- Yang, Fenggang. 2001. “PRC Immigrants in the United States: A Demographic Profile and An Assessment of Their Integration in the Chinese American Community” Pp. 223-238 in The Chinese Triangle of Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong: Comparative Institutional Analyses, edited by Alvin Y. So, Nan Lin, Dudley Poston. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- Yang, Fenggang and Helen Rose Ebaugh. 2001. “Transformations in New Immigrant Religions and Their Global Implications.” American Sociological Review 66 (2): 269-288. (It won the “2002 Distinguished Article Award” of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion)
- Yang, Fenggang and Helen Rose Ebaugh. 2001. “Religion and Ethnicity among New Immigrants: The Impact of Majority/Minority Status in Home and Host Countries.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40 (3): 367-378.
- Yang, Fenggang. 2001. “Three Approaches to Spiritual Values.”Pacific Rim Report (Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco), No 19 (March, 2001): 4.
- 杨凤岗:2001,《简析美国华人基督教的社会历史和现状》,王忠欣主编,《多元化的中国与基督教》,加拿大恩福协会出版,第111-121页。
- 杨凤岗:2001,《世纪之交美国总统大选中的宗教因素》,《中国宗教》(北京)2001年第3期第37-40页。
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