Islam in China and Chinese Muslims
Symposium on Islam in China and Chinese Muslims was held at American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates on January 7, 2018. Five scholars presented papers at the symposium.
Michael Brose Doing Good Business: China and the Transnational Halal Food Network
Wlodzimierz Cieciura Muslims and the Republic. Continuities and Discontinuities in the Hui Cultural and Political Activities under the Republic of China before 1949 and on Taiwan
Maria Jaschok Faith and Silence, Gender and Voice Contexts, Challenges and Opportunities in Researching Past and Present in the History of Chinese Women’s Mosques
Qiang Ma Negotiation of Orthodoxy and Bid‘ah: Understanding Secularization in the Context of Chinese Hui Muslim Communities
Yuting Wang Reframing the Experiences of Chinese Muslims in the Era of Globalization: Religion, Identity, and Citizenship in a Transnational Space