
Yang book2022

中國宗教的特殊性和普世性 : 理論和方法新探

楊鳳崗: 2022, 中國宗教的特殊性和普世性 : 理論和方法新探,政大出版社。

Yang book_russian

Религия в Китае. Выживание и возрождение при коммунистическом режиме

Религия в Китае. Выживание и возрождение при коммунистическом режиме, Russian Edition of [Fenggang Yang, Religion in China: Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012] 2022.

religion in china

宗教在當代中國 : 共產黨統治下的存續與復興

宗教在當代中國 : 共產黨統治下的存續與復興 Chinese Edition of [Fenggang Yang, Religion in China: Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012] 2021.

Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China

Yang, Fenggang, Jonathan Pettit and Chris White. 2021. Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China, Brill.

Christian Activism

Christian Social Activism and Rule of Law in Chinese Societies

Yang, Fenggang and Chris White. 2021. Christian Social Activism and Rule of Law in Chinese Societies, Lehigh University Press.


Chinese Religions Going Global

Cao, Nanlai, Giuseppe Giordan and Fenggang Yang. 2020. Chinese Religions Going GlobalBrill.

Yang book_italian

La religione nella Cina comunista Dalla sopravvivenza al risveglio

La religione nella Cina comunista Dalla sopravvivenza al risveglio. Italian Edition of [Fenggang Yang, Religion in China: Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012] 2020.

 Religiosity, Secularity and Pluralism in the Global East

Religiosity, Secularity and Pluralism in the Global East

Yang, Fenggang, Francis Jae-ryong Song and SAKURAI Yoshihide. 2019. Religiosity, Secularity and Pluralism in the Global East, MDPI Books.


Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts

Yang, Fenggang. 2018. Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, Brill.